Monday, October 21, 2013

Pumpkin Weekend!

 I Love picking out my pumpkin every year, searching for the PERFECT Pumpkin. Unfortunately I have only ever gotten my pumpkin from the grocery store, not as exciting as it could be huh?
So this year we were able to go to an actual pumpkin patch! I always wanted to go but never knew where one was. Well this year was different thanks to a friend that told me about one in Idaho Falls.

It was so much fun walking down the rows and looking at all the possibilities for a carved pumpkin! 
 I'm excited to make this a tradition and enjoy the many pumpkin picking times in the future!!

Here are this years finished projects, A haunted house (Dalton) and Charlie Brown (Robyn) in his ghost costume! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Beautiful new Edition

August 13, 2013 this Beautiful new edition came into our lives. Suddenly we found a piece of our lives we didn't realize we NEEDED so desperately. 
Danielle Ilah Beckstead
Born August 13, 2013 
8:54 am
7lbs 7oz 
20 3/4in long

Danielle was in the hospital for a week after being born (hardest week of my entire life!). She had stopped breathing a couple hours after being born. She had just returned to my room from getting her first bath. Dalton and I looked away for just long enough for something to happen, fortunately the nurse was walking in at the EXACT moment and rushed to do what she could. Fortunately for us moments later Danielle's Doctor walked in (planning on introducing himself, so much for that) the got her breathing again and rushed her back into the nursery. The rest of that week Danielle was hooked up to multiple machines and wires. I broke my heart to see her so helpless and i wasn't able to help her at all, I just sat by and watched my baby girl have such a rough start into this new life. Fortunately Dalton and my father were allowed to give her a blessing that did wonders. 

She turned 2 months old this past Sunday. She smiles all day everyday, (sorry to brag for those other mothers out there) cries very little, and sleeps ALL night long! She truly is the perfect baby!!

This Little Miracle has changed my life forever!!